++ This model max. to 6-7 letters ++
Hello and welcome,
at Gisi's Dekostübchen You can buy an individual product that is made with care and lots of love from me.
All products are produced to comply with the legal guidelines.
- Profit from my long experience since 2004 !! -
I direct the article, which can be seen on the product image, with your desired name.
It may consist of Sichherheitsgründen no longer than 22 cm (from clip) be, therefore, please use with longer names from 8 letter abbreviation.
In double name only choose one name.
The materials used (beads, clips, motive and wooden disks) are resistant to saliva and wood.
Up to five characters are in the price included in the calculation, any additional costs € 0.50 now.
Each item is customized as desired name and depending on the length of the name varies the number of beads.
Upon request, I alters the pearl color of the product. A fitting Greifling can be customized. Please take in extra wishes to contact me.
Tools that can be called upon to:
Bells € 1.00
Silicone Ring € 1.50
I hope you enjoy browsing.