Vishay TSHF5210 - IR LED 890 nm 5 mm

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Vishay TSHF5210 - high speed GaAlAs power 890nm 5mm IR (infrared) GaAlAs IRDA LED (emitter) - 890nm infrared 5 mm LEDs, ROHS. Like Vishay TSHF6210, but with stopper.

Technical data:

Peak wavelength 890 nm,
viewing angle (at half intensity) 20 degrees (±10°),
high radiant intensity: min. 120 mW/sr, typ. 180 mW/sr, max. 360 mW/sr,
high radiant power - total radiant flux 50 mW (according to data sheet), 38.0 mW (measured at 100 mA, after 60 s warm-up). Our results are slightly below those of the manufacturer, but are far more practical and make it easier to compare different LEDs.
forward current 100 mA, peak forward current 200 mA, surge current 1.5 A,
short rise / fall times: 30 ns / 30 ns (cut-off frequency 12 MHz),
low forward voltage: 1.4 V / 2.3 V (at 100 mA / 1A).


• Very highly efficient AlGaAs double hetero (DH) technology LED;
• Package type: leaded, leads with stand-off;
• Package form: T-1¾ (∅5 mm), clear, untinted plastic;
• High reliability;
• Suitable for high pulse current operation;
• High modulation bandwidth: fc = 12 MHz;
• Good spectral matching to Si photodetectors;
• Lead (Pb)-free component in accordance with RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/EC.


• Infrared high speed remote control and free air data transmission systems with high modulation frequencies or high data transmission rate requirements;
• Transmission systems according to IRDA requirements and for carrier frequency based systems (e.g. ASK/FSK - coded, 450 kHz or 1.3 MHz);
• Infrared camera lighting (illumination) for shooting at night;
• Smoke-automatic fire detectors.


from 10 pcs per 0.70 EUR,
from 100 pcs per 0.60 EUR,
from 1000 pcs per 0.50 EUR,
from 10000 pcs per 0.30 EUR.

Data sheet Vishay TSHF5210 PDF

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