Blades, James: Children's Collection for Tuned Percussion

Product no.: 070-143
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Children's Collection for Tuned Percussion - including following titles: Simple Simon (3 Min.; Marsch u. Walzer; Xylo, Glsp., Drumset; easy to intermediate); Pretty Polly Polka (1'30 Min.; Xylo, Drumset; easy to intermediate); A Musical Tic-Toc (2 Min.; Glsp., 2 WBl.; easy); Dancing Dolls (1'30 Min.; Polka; Xylo, Drumset; easy); Xylo Jizz (2 Min.; Jazz Stil; Xylo, Drumset; easy)

Simple Simon
Pretty Polly Polka
A Musical Tic Toc
Dancing Dolls
Xylo Jizz A collection of James Blade’s tuned percussion pieces, each with a simple un-tuned accompaniment. Perfect for school concerts.

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