Journal for maritime and limnic archaeology and cultural history
hrsg. v. Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie (DEGUWA)
22 nd year, 2022
ISSN 1436-3372
196 p., many figs.
- Vorwort
- Christoph Börker – Peter Winterstein, Nachruf auf Olaf Höckmann
- Peter Winterstein, „Schutz des Unterwasser-Kulturerbes – dringender denn je!“ Podiumsdiskussion anlässlich der Tagung „In Poseidons Reich XXVIII“ zum Thema „Schutz des Unterwasser-Kulturerbes – eine Herausforderung“
- Ofra Barkai – Roy Jaijel – Jacov Sharvit – Beverley Goodman-Tchernov, The Location of the Coastline of the Northern Anchorage Area of Caesarea During the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Periods
- Luka Bekic – Maja Kaleb – Roko Suric – Zdenka Vrgoc, Ein außergewöhnlicher Fund: das Schiffswrack bei Kap Franina
- Jelena Celebic, What was the Function of Hillforts on the Sea Routes of the Eastern Adriatic ?
- Anton Divic, Nautical Landscapes of the Kupa River in Croatia
- Nikos Efstratiou – Andreas Sotiriou – Olga Koukousioura – Panagiotis Tokmakidis – Cathy Giangrande, Searching for the Oldest Submerged Settlement of the Aegean on the Island of Agios Petros in Alonnisos, Greece
- Max Fiederling – Ronja Fink – Francesca Oliveri, New Insights into the Siege of Motya and the Environment and Extent of the Battle at the Lo Stagnone Lagoon
- Luisa Goldammer, The Journeys of Apostle Paul as a Medium for Religious Expansion
- Areti Chalkioti – Vasiliki Ivrou, Changing Landscapes and Early Maritime Crossings. The Case of the Northern Aegean Area
- Philipp Grassel, Ammunition on Wrecks, Researching Militar Wrecks in the German Bight
- Eva Grossmann, Nine Millenia of Geographical and Historical Changes of the Eastern Mediterranean Coast, Illustrated by ‘Maritime Apollonia’
- Pascal Hoffmann, Widening the Scope. The Zomia Concept as an Approach to Integrate Non-Spaces and Their Occupants in the Roman Empire
- Emzar Kakhidze – Teona Zoidze, The New Exhibition Hall for the Underwater Archaeology of the Eastern Black Sea Coast at the Batumi Archaeological Museum, Georgia
- Ida Koncani Uhac , Submerged Heritage – Diving into the Istrian Underwater
- Aleksandra Mahic Sinovccicc, Modern Era Underwater Finds in the Holdings of the Archaeological Museum of Istria
- Ioannis Nakas, A Harbourless Sea? Harbours and the Maritime Cultural Landscape of the Hellenistic and Roman Aegean
- Harun Özdas, A Bronze Age Shipwreck Deposit in the Gulf of Hisarönü, Turkey: Preliminary Results
- Daniel Zwick, Im Mahlstrom der Geschichte. Schiffswracks, Wrackteile und Strandgut im Nordfriesischen Wattenmeer
- Das Bücherbrett