7000 Jahre Geschichte

Product no.: 5085

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Heinrich-Tamaska, Orsolya /Winger, Daniel (Hrsg.),
7000 Jahre Geschichte: Einblicke in die Archäologie Ungarns
ISBN 978-3-86705-085-2
282 p., many pictures in color.


Hungary has an exceptionally rich and varied archaeological heritage between East and West, North and South. The present volume goes back to a German-Hungarian lecture series at the Free University of Berlin, in which the latest research and innovative approaches were presented and summarized.

The richly illustrated volume presents more than 280 pages of representative periods from the archeology of Hungary: from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, from the Roman province of Pannonia to the Migration Period and the early Middle Ages. The book offers colorful insights into past life, the sources of our history as well as the questions and methods of modern research at the beginning of the 21st century.

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