Bugarski, Ivan / Heinrich-Tamaska, Orsolya / Ivanisevic, Vujadin (Hrsg.),
Spätrömisch, frühchristlich, frühbyzantinisch als Kategorien der historisch-archäologischen Forschung ander mittleren Donau
Forschungen zu Spätantike und Mittelalter 4.
ISBN 978-3-86705-079-1
390 S., ca. 147 Abb.
The time between AD 300 and 800 is seen as a period of transition between Antiquity and the Middle Ages; archaeologists and historians increasingly acknowledge its existence under the term 'Late Antiquity' as a period in its own right. Categories such as 'Late Roman', 'Early Christian' or 'Early Byzantine' appear in this context as competing concepts that describe chronologically and geographically overlapping phenomena. They are primarily termini technici used in historical research and hence expressions of thought patterns and interpretative models which must be subjected to critical scrutiny.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 27th annual conference dedicated to major Issues in the Protohistory of the Middle Danube. Its focus is on a region covering Noricum, Pannonia and Moesia. It addresses questions of interdisciplinarity and periodisationwithin the region, in contributions on methods as well as in case studies examining the use, meaning and interpretation of concepts and sources. This forms the basis of a discussion about the elements that separate and connect the 'boundaries' and 'crossings' between periods, spaces and approaches to studying the past on both sides of the Danube.