Katalog výstavy. 27.11.2014-28.2.2015 - Palace of Noble Ladies, Moravian Museum, Brno, 17.4.2015-28.6.2015 - Imperial Stable, Prague Castle, Prague, 7.8.2015-1.11.2015 - Bratislava Castle, Bratislava.
Collective monographs devoted to the issue of Great Moravia based on archaeological findings presented at an exclusive exhibition Great Moravia and the beginnings of Christianity. Many of them are together with summarizing studies and characteristics of most relevant sites presented in this publication. Focusing mainly on the prime period of Great Moravia it does not avoid the preceding period and devotes adequate attention also to the final phases of its existence and the gradual emergence of the Czech state. In context of the 1150th anniversary of the Cyrillo-Methodian mission it also accentuates the theme of Christianization.
Exhibition took place in the Palace of the Noblewomen (Brno, 27. 11. 2014 – 28. 2. 2015), at the Prague Castle in the Imperial Stables (17. 4. 2015 – 28. 6. 2015) and at Bratislava Castle (7. 8. 2015 – 1. 11. 2015). The catalogue section of this publication presents a selection of artefacts which are currently on show. They were carefully chosen so as to feature in particular unpublished finds; we aimed to cover the widest possible scope regarding provenance and territory.