Fermentacija na demokratijata i na nacijata: site makedonski politički proleti 1943-1993

Artikel-Nr.: 15_02_033

Preis inkl. MwSt.

/ Mirčev, Dimitar / | 978-608-219-069-3 | Silsons / | 2014 | 330 s. | Skopje /

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Verlag Silsons / Silsons /
Autor Mirčev, Dimitar / Mirčev, Dimitar /
Stadt Skopje / Skopje /
Seiten 330 s.
ISBN 978-608-219-069-3
Detail The second half of the 20th cenrury, 1943-1993, has marked the crucial events and trends in political, economic and cultural history of modern Macedonia. The author of this book has concentrated on three key-events and short periods, calling them springs. The first is the ASNOM spring (ASNOM is Antifascist Assembly of the National Liberation of Macedonia), when in 1944 - the foundations and establishment of the modern Macedonian state have been declared, parallel to the decision to integrate into new Yugoslav federation and system; the second is the so called Liberal Spring, 1968-1973, when endeavors and trends of liberalism and national/civic rights and values as well as of emancipation of from the Federation and the monistic political system have been predominant. The third spring, 1990-1993, was that of the Independence, disassociation from Yugoslavia and transition into new, democratic, pluralistic and market-economy system. /// ///

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