Slovnyk ukrajins’koji movy v 11 tomach. Dodatkovyj tom: u 2 kn. — Kn. 2. M—Ja

Artikel-Nr.: 19_02_040

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Словник української мови в 11 томах. Додатковий том: у 2 кн. — Кн. 2. М—Я / P.Ju.Hrycenko / П.Ю.Гриценко | 978-617-7349-66-1 (Книга 2); 978-617-7349-64-7 | Vydavnycyj dim Dmytra Buraho / Видавничий дім Дмитра Бураго | 2017 | 576 S., Grossformat | Kyjiv / Київ

Weitere Produktinformationen

Verlag Vydavnycyj dim Dmytra Buraho / Vydavnychyi dim Dmytra Buraho / Видавничий дім Дмитра Бураго
Autor P.Ju.Hrycenko / P.Iu.Hrytsenko / П.Ю.Гриценко
Stadt Kyjiv / Kyiv / Київ
Seiten 576 S., Grossformat
ISBN 978-617-7349-66-1 (Книга 2); 978-617-7349-64-7
Detail Additional Volume is an explanatory dictionary that contains new words, the meaning of words (in particular, different stylistic meanings and peculiarities of the usage of words), and fully fixed expressions that are not covered by the 11 volumes of the «Ukrainian Language Dictionary» (1970 – 1980). With 35,000 entries, the Additional Volume collates Ukrainian vocabulary from the functional styles of fiction, journalism, popular science, colloquial language, official language, and religion. In addition to the detailed definition illustrated by citations, with full reference to all sources, the Additional Volume provides prescriptive, stylistic, emotionally-expressive and temporal classifications of the entries. Furthermore, the Additional Volume regulates the compatibility of entries. This Additional Volume will be of particular interest and use for scholars, teachers, editors, journalists, students, pupils and anyone who is interested in the Ukrainian language. /// ///

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