Psy, iaki pryruchaiut’ liudei

Product no.: 24_01_013
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Пси, які приручають людей  / Maksymenko, Olena / Максименко, Олена | 978-617-7925-48-3  | Vydavnytstvo "Portal"   / Видавництво "Портал"   | 2021 | 124 S. | Kyiv / Київ

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Publisher Vydavnyctvo "Portal"   / Vydavnytstvo "Portal"   / Видавництво "Портал"
Author Maksymenko, Olena / Maksymenko, Olena / Максименко, Олена
City Kyjiv / Kyiv / Київ
Pages 124 S.
ISBN 978-617-7925-48-3
Detail Dogs that Tame People Being teenager is not easy. And being teenagers in a front-line town in the Ukrainian East in 2014... is very, very difficult, but also interesting! New ones are added to the eternal challenges of friendship and love, jealousy and inner fears, self-expression, and school problems. Take in a displaced classmate, learn first aid, survive shelling in the basement, see death, and save a life. Defend your history and your values. /// ///

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