Razvіtanne z іliuzіiamі: ese, apaviadannі, dzennіkі / Развітанне з ілюзіямі: эсэ, апавяданні, дзённікі

Product no.: 11_24_042
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Karpiuk Aliaksei / Карпюк Аляксей | 978-83-89185-73-0 | Haradzenskі Pyx Za Svabodu, Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego / Гарадзенскі Pyx За Свабоду, Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego | 2008 | 412 S. | Harodnia-Wrocław / Гародня-Wrocław

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Publisher Haradzenskі Pyx Za Svabodu, Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego / Haradzenskі Pyx Za Svabodu, Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego / Гарадзенскі Pyx За Свабоду, Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego
Author Karpjuk Aljaksej / Karpiuk Aliaksei / Карпюк Аляксей
City Harodnja-Wrocław / Harodnia-Wrocław / Гародня-Wrocław
Pages 412 S.
ISBN 978-83-89185-73-0
Detail A Farewell to Illusions, a book of works by Alyaksey Karpyuk, was published as part of the Haradzenskaya Bibliyateka series. What is interesting about this volume is that it contains works finished by the author during his life but never published before. Even after Alyaksey Karpyuk’s death in 1992, a state publishing house, which obtained his works from his widow, would not print them. Times changed and those who had hounded the author, a morally conscientious man, were back in high esteem. In 1995, the state publishing company returned the handwritten copy of A Farewell to Illusions to the widow without any explanations. The book saw the light in 2008. Alyaksey Karpyuk, leader of the Hrodna chapter of the Association of Belarusian Writers, and his friend Vasil Bykau wrote truthful stories without glossing over reality and without pathos. At one point Karpyuk was criticized as “traitor and anti-Soviet” writer. A Belarusian at his heart, Karpyuk joined a nationalist movement during the perestroika years. (Z.K.) /// A Farewell to Illusions, a book of works by Alyaksey Karpyuk, was published as part of the Haradzenskaya Bibliyateka series. What is interesting about this volume is that it contains works finished by the author during his life but never published before. Even after Alyaksey Karpyuk’s death in 1992, a state publishing house, which obtained his works from his widow, would not print them. Times changed and those who had hounded the author, a morally conscientious man, were back in high esteem. In 1995, the state publishing company returned the handwritten copy of A Farewell to Illusions to the widow without any explanations. The book saw the light in 2008. Alyaksey Karpyuk, leader of the Hrodna chapter of the Association of Belarusian Writers, and his friend Vasil Bykau wrote truthful stories without glossing over reality and without pathos. At one point Karpyuk was criticized as “traitor and anti-Soviet” writer. A Belarusian at his heart, Karpyuk joined a nationalist movement during the perestroika years. (Z.K.) ///

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