Getto v Pogoste-Zagorodskom. God 1942-1942. Istoriia. Dokumenty. Fakty

Product no.: 18_13_003
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Гетто в Погосте-Загородском. Год 1942-1942. История. Документы. Факты - 2-е изд., доп. / Rubakha I.S. / Рубаха И.С. | 978-985-596-029-5 | Kolorgrad / Колорград | 2018 | 159 S. | Minsk / Минск

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Publisher Kolorgrad / Kolorgrad / Колорград
Author Rubacha I.S. / Rubakha I.S. / Рубаха И.С.
City Minsk / Minsk / Минск
Pages 159 S.
ISBN 978-985-596-029-5
Detail Ghetto in Pogost-Zagorodsky (late 1941 - August 15, 1942) - the Jewish ghetto (the Pinsk district of the Brest region). 1,200 people were killed. Memories of eyewitnesses, archival documents, rare photographs, martyrology /// ///

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