Leksyka i frazeolohiia ukrains’koi dilovoi movy v leksykohrafichnykh dzherelakh

Product no.: 24_01_009
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Лексика і фразеологія української ділової мови в лексикографічних джерелах XX-XXI століть / Boiarchuk O.S. / Боярчук О.С. | 978-966-00-1891-4 | Naukova dumka / Наукова думка | 2023 | 288 S. | Kyiv / Київ

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Publisher Naukova dumka / Naukova dumka / Наукова думка
Author Bojarcuk O.S. / Boiarchuk O.S. / Боярчук О.С.
City Kyjiv / Kyiv / Київ
Pages 288 S.
ISBN 978-966-00-1891-4
Detail «Lexis and Phraseology of the Ukrainian Official-Business Language in the Dictionaries Published During the 20th – the Beginning of the 21st Centuries». In the proposed monograph dynamic processes in lexis and phraseology of the Ukrainian official-business language during the 20th – the beginning of the 21st centuries were outlined on the material of the 37 dictionaries. The register formation principles of the Russian-Ukrainian common language dictionaries and official-business and law language dictionaries were ascertained. The main tendencies of official-business lexis development during the stated period were defined /// ///

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