Mapping Visaginas. Sources of urbanity in a former mono-functional town

Référence: 17_03_029

Mapping Visaginas. Sources of urbanity in a former mono-functional town / Felix Ackermann, Benjamin Cope & Siarhei Liubimau / Felix Ackermann, Benjamin Cope & Siarhei Liubimau | | Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla / Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla | 2016 | 304 S. | Vilnius / Vilnius

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Verlag Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla / Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla / Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla
Autor Felix Ackermann, Benjamin Cope & Siarhei Liubimau / Felix Ackermann, Benjamin Cope & Siarhei Liubimau / Felix Ackermann, Benjamin Cope & Siarhei Liubimau
Stadt Vilnius / Vilnius / Vilnius
Seiten 304 S.
Detail Mapping Visaginas is the second book in a series promoting Critical Urbanism as a way of analyzing the changing relationships between citizens, the state and the international context in shaping urban spaces in Central- and Eastern Europe. In this participatory research into the former mono-functional nuclear town of Visaginas in the East of Lithuania, we used mapping as a process-oriented technique to explore sources of urbanity. The book was edited by the Laboratory of Critical Urbanism at the European Humanities University in Vilnius. /// ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Lituanie, Architecture, Histoire culturelle, Art