100 manet Vjalіkaha Knjastva Lіtouskaha

Référence: 23_04_041

100 манет Вялікага Княства Літоўскага  / Huleckі, Dzmіtryj Uladzіmіravіc / Гулецкі, Дзмітрый Уладзіміравіч | 978-985-458-328-0 | Technalohіja / Тэхналогія  | 2022 | 79., Grossformat | Minsk / Мінск

Plus d'informations sur le produit

Verlag Technalohіja / Tekhnalohіia  / Тэхналогія
Autor Huleckі, Dzmіtryj Uladzіmіravіc / Huletskі, Dzmіtryi Uladzіmіravіch / Гулецкі, Дзмітрый Уладзіміравіч
Stadt Minsk / Minsk / Мінск
Seiten 79., Grossformat
ISBN 978-985-458-328-0
Detail The book gives commo data on Belarusian numismatics of Pre-Russian period. The accents that were made will help everyone to express himself in numismatic researches. The history of coin turnover in Belarus is measured by long centuries during which Belarusian people endured a lot of troubles. Valuable treasures comes to researchers' hands to prove beauty and riches of Belarusian numismatics. /// ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Études baltistic, Histoire, Numismatique. Faleristics, Exemplaires uniques précieuses, Geschichte