Adattatore da IDE II / IDE-PRO ad acqua pura

N. prodotto: CH2300


Adattatore da IDE II / IDE-PRO ad acqua pura
Modalità di spedizione disponibili: Consegna express, ritiro da parte del cliente, EURO I, EURO I Express, EURO II, EURO II Express, EURO III, EURO III Express, EURO IV, EURO IV Express, EURO IV incl. Export Declaration, EURO IV Express inkl. Exportabwicklung, Germany within 1 or 2 working days, Germania next day before 12:00 pm, Germania next day before 9:00 am, Germania delivery on Saturday, 1 - 3 Werktage (DHL), 1 Werktag (UPS Express Saver), Hochdruckrohre geschnitten oder gerollt, Hochdruckrohre per Spedition, HP Tubing rolled or cut, World Economy, World Express, Rhino D Staffel

OEM# 20461467

Sede CH2301


Prodotto Nota Stato Prezzo
Nozzle Nut, Pure Water Cutting Nozzle Nut, Pure Water Cutting
Sapphire Orifice with plastic retainer 0.009_ (0.23 mm); long stem Sapphire Orifice with plastic retainer 0.009_ (0.23 mm); long stem
Sapphire Orifice with displaced jewel 0.010_ (0,25 mm); long stem Sapphire Orifice with displaced jewel 0.010_ (0,25 mm); long stem
Sapphire Orifices with brass retainer 0.010" (0,25 mm); long stem Sapphire Orifices with brass retainer 0.010" (0,25 mm); long stem
Sapphire Orifices with brass retainer 0.004" (0,10 mm); long stem Sapphire Orifices with brass retainer 0.004" (0,10 mm); long stem
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