Here you find duties for every railway fan. We offer you realism and driving pleasure for many hours with
your Train Simulator 2014/15 !
All Szenarios are compatible with the Train Simulator 2014 and 2015!
Today you drive a special train through Northern Germany. There are several related scenarios. The first part takes you from Hamburg to Lübeck, where you will take on more guests for this city tour along the way. That should be a relaxed ride... but you never know what's going to happen with the train :-)
Requirements: - Married Pair Car Vol. 2 - NOB |
0.00 €
GBE Extra 1
GBE Extra provides you with 4 new and exciting scenarios for the Dresden Schöna route. Experience the exciting everyday life on the Elbe Valley Railway in long-distance and local traffic.
- Train Simulator 2018
- GBE KBS 241 Dresden Schöna
- European Loco & Asset Pack
Terms of reference:
GBE-EX1 + EC 173 Hamburg Budapest
You drive the Eurocity 173 Hamburg Budapest from Dresden to Bad Schandau. Pay attention to your timetable, because after all, your train has a long way to go through 3 countries.
GBE-EX1 + S1 In the after hours
In the middle of rush hour drive the S1 from Dresden to Bad Schandau. There is a lot of traffic. Bring your passengers safely and punctually to the well-deserved end of workday.
GBE-EX1 + S1 late shift
You drive the last S-Bahn of the day from Schöna to Dresden, where you will be replaced by your colleague.
GBE-EX1 + special trip to the Striezelmarkt
In Bad Schandau you take a special train from Prague and Vienna with a historic locomotive. Bring your passengers safely to the world-famous Dresdner Striezelmarkt. As a special train you have only a very small priority ... |
0.00 €
GBE Extra 2
GBE Extra 2 brings you back four new and exciting scenarios. This time with the 218 series on the march track on the way and experience the everyday life between Husum and Westerland.
- Train Simulator 2018
- GBE KBS 130 Marschbahn 3.0
- European Loco & Asset Pack
- BR 218 Steam
Terms of reference:
GBE-EX2 + RE 6 Hamburg Westerland
In the rush hour, the regional express goes from Husum to Westerland with stops at all train stations.
GBE-EX2 + RE 6 Westerland Hamburg
It is Sunday and the return journey to the mainland begins. You drive the regional express from Westerland to Hamburg. In Husum your colleague will replace you.
GBE-EX2 + IC 2072
In the middle of autumn you drive the Intercity 2072 from Husum to Westerland. They start with 15 minutes delay. Will you be able to catch up and reach Westerland punctually?
GBE-EX2 + Syltshuttle AS 1419
Winter has a firm grip on Germany's north. It is bitterly cold and snowing. Nevertheless, bring the Sylt shuttle on time from Westerland to Niebüll. |
0.00 €
Trains and Stories Vol. 2
are captivating tasks with suitable rolling stock from the everyday life of the train driver.
Vol. 2 "The BR 245 on the Marschbahn in DB and in Schleswig Holstein Design"
Do your job as a train driver on the BR 245:
- Train Simulator 2020 (update or full version)
- GBE March 3.0
- BR 218 Loco Add-On (Steam)
Welcome to the Marschbahn.
Task descriptions:
GBE [BR245] Off to the weekend
Many weekend vacationers are on the way to the island of Sylt.
Relief trains between Hamburg and Westerland are even used for this.
You drive a regional express from Hamburg from Husum via Niebüll to Westerland.
Make sure that vacationers arrive on time on the island ...
GBE [BR245] end of season
In the middle of autumn you drive an intercity from Husum via Niebüll to Westerland.
The season is over, which means for you that you don't have to maneuver the coaches in Niebüll.
GBE [BR245] island commuters
Many people commute by train to and from Sylt every day.
Additional trains run for commuters at peak times. In the evening you will drive one of these trains
from Westerland via Niebüll to Husum.
GBE [BR245] winter wonder
Even in winter, the railway is the lifeline of the island of Sylt. You now have the opportunity
to get to know the route in winter and take a regional train from Husum to Westerland.
GBE [BR245] Express to Hamburg
The next trip begins shortly after your breakfast break. You take over a regional express
from Westerland to Hamburg. You will drive this train to Husum. |
12.95 €
Trains and Stories Vol. 2 without BR 245 DB and Schleswig Holstein Version
are captivating tasks with suitable rolling stock from the everyday life of the train driver.
Vol. 2 "The BR 245 on the Marschbahn in DB and in Schleswig Holstein Design"
Do your job as a train driver on the BR 245:
- Train Simulator 2020 (update or full version)
- GBE March 3.0
- BR 218 Loco Add-On (Steam)
- GBE BR 245 DB and Schleswig Holstein Design
Welcome to the Marschbahn.
Task descriptions:
GBE [BR245] Off to the weekend
Many weekend vacationers are on the way to the island of Sylt.
Relief trains between Hamburg and Westerland are even used for this.
You drive a regional express from Hamburg from Husum via Niebüll to Westerland.
Make sure that vacationers arrive on time on the island ...
GBE [BR245] end of season
In the middle of autumn you drive an intercity from Husum via Niebüll to Westerland.
The season is over, which means for you that you don't have to maneuver the coaches in Niebüll.
GBE [BR245] island commuters
Many people commute by train to and from Sylt every day.
Additional trains run for commuters at peak times. In the evening you will drive one of these trains
from Westerland via Niebüll to Husum.
GBE [BR245] winter wonder
Even in winter, the railway is the lifeline of the island of Sylt. You now have the opportunity
to get to know the route in winter and take a regional train from Husum to Westerland.
GBE [BR245] Express to Hamburg
The next trip begins shortly after your breakfast break. You take over a regional express
from Westerland to Hamburg. You will drive this train to Husum. |
6.70 €
GBE Nordlichter Pluspack Vol.2
In the Add On series Nordlichter follows the second package Nordlichter Vol.2. Again, you have the opportunity to complete 6 entertaining tasks. You decide whether you want to use e.g. With up to 200 km / h the IC,
++ Voice announcements ++ Highly variable AI traffic ++ Over 5 hours of gameplay
++ Train Simulator17 Update (Steam) ++ Stecke Husum-Westerland (GBE) ++ Route Hamburg-Hannover (Steam) ++ Route Hamburg-Lübeck (Steam)
Rolling stock
++ BR474.3 (Steam) ++ MRCE ES64 U2 Taurus (Steam) ++ ER 20 Eurorunner (Steam) ++ Metrononom ME 146 (Steam) ++ European Loco and Pack (Steam)
0.00 €
GBE Northern Lights Plus Pack 1
In this exciting PlusPack drive 6 tasks You drive related tasks to Lübeck and Hannover
++ 5.5 hours driving fun ++ Objects in local and regional transport ++ Voice prompts ++ GBE track construction site
++ Train Simulator 16 full version ++ Hamburg-Hannover Route (Steam) ++ Hamburg-Lübeck route (Steam) (Steam) ++ Metronome ME 146 Loco Add On (Steam) ++ DB BR 424 EMU Add on (Steam) ++ European Loco and Asset pack (Steam)
0.00 €
BR 628: Up to Puttgarden
Today you drive the regional express from Luebeck to Puttgarden, via Burg on the ile
island of Fehmarn , with the BR 628. It's a quiet day, not much going on and certainly not hectic. Enjoy the great landscape!
Difficulty level: 2
Duration of the scenario: approx. 80 min.
- GBE route "Vogelfluglinie"
- Elap (included in virtually every Train Simulator installation)
- Hot coffee
0.00 €
GBE Hamburg-Lübeck Plus Pack Vol.1.0 |
0.00 €
GBE Cologne-Koblenz Plus Pack Vol.2 Expert-Line Version |
6.70 €
Happy Weekend from our author Thomas:
Car to Dagebuell part 1
You drive the IC2214 Hamburg-Westerland from Husum to Niebuell.
The two through cars to Dagebuell-Mol at the end of the train must be made available in Niebuell for further transport!
The train is pulled by the BR 245 in Schlewig-Holstein design.
(Contained in Nordfriesland V.1).
Difficulty level: 2
Duration of the scenario approx. 45 min
Prerequisite: Route North Friesland V.1
0.00 €
Car to Dagebüll part 2: Today you drive the RB 65 from Niebuell to Dagebuell. The two through cars to Dagebuell-Mole are made available for you in Niebuell on platform 3 by IC 2214. Difficulty level: 2 Requirements: Route North Friesland V. 1 |
0.00 €
Beer wagon to Tondern:
Today you drive a light freight train from Husum via Niebuell to Tondern in Denmark. In Husum, uncouple the last 5 wagons and continue your journey to Tondern.
You are driving the BR294 in DBAG red (included in Elap).
The scenario contains announcements from the dispatcher.
Difficulty level: 2
Duration of the scenario: approx. 45 min.
- GBE route North Friesland V. 1.0
- Elap (included in practically every Train Simulator installation)
- GBE beer cart (freeware from GBE, will be installed together with the scenario) |
0.00 €
ICE 28: From Mainz to Koblenz
Today you drive the ICE4 (Basel-Hamburg) from Mainz HBF via Bingen to Koblenz HBF. On the way there are one or the other obstacle, but also very picturesque landscapes on the Middle Rhine ... Enjoy the ride!
You drive the ICE4 in the climate protection version.
Difficulty level: 3
Duration of the scenario: approx. 55 min.
- GBE BR412 ICE4 version 1.04
- DTG route Frankfurt-Koblenz (the update version was published on Steam at the same time as TS2022)
- Elap (included in practically every Train Simulator installation)
- GBE beer cart (freeware from GBE, will be installed together with the scenario) |
0.00 €
BR 628: Regional express to Luebeck Today you drive the regional express from Puttgarden to Luebeck, via Burg on Fehmarn, with the class 628. It can get a bit hectic as there Requirements: - GBE route "Vogelfluglinie" |
0.00 €
Taigatrommel BR 120 ( DR V200): Rollercoaster! Today you drive parts of a rollercoaster from Puttgarden to Neustadt with the BR200. Requirements: - GBE route "Vogelfluglinie" |
0.00 €
BR 628: From Trier to Auw an der Kyll
This morning you take the first regional train from Trier to Auw at the Kyll.
Since the Eifel route was severely damaged in the 2021 flood, the journey ends there.
From there, passengers are taken by bus (rail replacement service)... to Speicher, Bitburg, Kyllburg and Gerolstein.
This task is based on the condition of the route in March 2022.
The departure times correspond to the real timetable from March 2022.
Difficulty level: 1
Duration of the scenario: approx. 35 min.
- GBE route "Trier - Gerolstein"
- GBE BR628 (e.g. included in the route "Vogelfluglinie")
- Elap (included in virtually every Train Simulator installation)
- A loud alarm clock (Since the departure is at 5:35 am, you should get up on time!) |
0.00 €
Taigatrommel : Rubble to Ehrang part 1 You drive the BR 120 (Taigatrommel, also known as RB V200) this morning with a couple of cars to Ehrang station. Then we continue to Auw to bring wagons with overburden to Ehrang from there. On the way you have to reckon with a few red signals.. that's the way it is with freight traffic. This task is based on the condition of the route in April 2022. The departure times of the passenger trains essentially correspond to the real timetable. Requirements: - GBE route "Trier - Gerolstein" By the way... if a loud ticking sounds annoying when driving the "taiga drum", then use the built-in hearing protection (CTRL + K).
0.00 €
Taigatrommel : Rubble after Ehrang Part 2 In the second part of the scenario, you drive the BR 120 (Taigatrommel, also known as RB V200) from Auw with a couple of rubble wagons to Ehrang GBF this morning. Requirements: - GBE route "Trier - Gerolstein" By the way... if a loud ticking sounds annoying when driving the "taiga drum", then use the built-in hearing protection (CTRL + K). |
0.00 €
BR 189 Railion: Goods to Bad Schandau East Today you drive the BR 189 (Railion Repaint) from Dresden to Bad Schandau East. On the way you will be overtaken by an IC and there is an occasional stop... if you drive freight trains, you probably know that :-) Difficulty level: 2 Requirements: - GBE BR 189
0.00 €
Married-Pair Wagons: Intercity Frankfurt-Westerland replacement service parts 1 and 2
Part 1: Today you drive the replacement service for the Intercity Frankfurt-Westerland from Husum via Niebüll to Westerland. The electronics of the Intercity no longer play along, so you take over the passengers in Husum!
Part 2: The Intercity has now been repaired and is ready in Husum for the return trip to Frankfurt. They now bring passengers from Westerland and Niebüll to Husum. Please be on time!
Difficulty level: 2
Duration of the scenarios: approx. 50-55 minutes each.
- GBE Married-Pair wagon (replacement service)
- GBE route "North Friesland V1.1.0"
- Elap (included in virtually every Train Simulator installation)
0.00 €
BR644 - From Kyllburg to Trier - The first trip after the restoration of the section last year (2021) large parts of the Eifel route were destroyed by a violent storm caused by flooding. Since then, there has mostly only been rail replacement service. This morning they bring the RB22 from Kyllburg to Trier. The route was extensively restored and as of today (June 21, 2022) the Kyllburg-Trier section has been reopened. The train will get quite crowded, so following the timetable is quite challenging! Difficulty level: 3 Duration of the scenarios: approx. 55 minutes each. Requirements: - GBE BR644 - GBE route Trier-Gerolstein - Elap (included in virtually every Train Simulator installation) |
0.00 €
Round trip in the north: part 2 - Go to Kiel Today you drive a special train through northern Germany. There are several related scenarios. The second part takes you from Lübeck to Kiel, where you will take on more guests for this city tour on the way. This time it will be a little more relaxed than in the first part... I promise!
Requirements: - Married Pair Car Vol. 2 - NOB |
0.00 €
Beer to Bayreuth Today you drive a freight train to wintry Bayreuth. Since the BR218 intended for this is still being maintained, the MAK 2700 Dispolok is used as a replacement. The line is busy and there are a few stops for priority trains. Then it's foggy and snowing... patience is required!
Requirements: - Married Pair Car Vol. 2 - NOB |
0.00 €
BR628 - Replacement for RS1 After a faulty software update on the RS1 railcars, they can no longer be driven. Until the problem is solved, take over the BR628 as a replacement for the journey from Düren to Heimberg. Good ride! Difficulty level: 2 Requirements: - GBE BR628 |
0.00 €
RABe512A - "Seehaas" to Lindau Today you are taking the evening train (S3/REX) from Rorschach to Lindau. It's quite windy, so don't be surprised if the train sways a bit in a gust... Difficulty level: 2 Duration of the scenario: about 45 minutes. Requirements: - GBE RABe512A |
0.00 €
BR610 - The last run of 610007 - a railway history, part 1 You've got a very special towing job today. Drive from Ehrang to Wittlich and await further instructions! Difficulty level: 2 Duration of the scenario: about 40 minutes. Requirements: - GBE BR610 |
0.00 €
BR610 - The last run of 610007 - a railway history, part 2 In the second part of the story, you bring the Pendolino from Wittlich to the port of Ehranger. There is quite a lot going on on the route, so there may be a stopover, but as a train driver you are used to that... Difficulty level: 2 Duration of the scenario: about 40 minutes. Requirements: - GBE BR610 |
0.00 €
Back to 2015: With BR 610011 through the Eifel In 2015 there was a small museum trip on the Eifel route. Take part and take the railcar from Gerolstein to Trier, with a few stops, but one or two museum locomotives and a change to the timetable. Difficulty level: 3 Requirements: - GBE route "Trier - Gerolstein" |
0.00 €
This afternoon you are taking the regional train to Kiel. It's raining, the wind is getting stronger every hour and it could happen that rail traffic has to be stopped completely! Will you be able to get the train to its destination in time? Difficulty level: 2 Requirements: - GBE route Kiel-Flensburg
0.00 €
1 - 30 of 37 results |