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Evening Realization
Artikel-Nr.: 978-3-87214-610-8
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


Wir begegnen faszinierenden Menschen, fremde Länder bekommen ein Gesicht. Godson Maanga bringt uns in seinen Erzählungen seine Heimat Tansania nahe. Märchen und Fabeln führen uns nach Tansania und in die Anden.
In his new novel the author portrays Tanzania’s socio-economic as well as cultural-political history, from the colonial period down to the present-day. It is this factor which makes this book largely a historical novel. Calculated satire coupled with striking figures of speech like puns and sarcasm, the author slices through the history of his country from the 1920s down to the beginning of the twenty-first century when the world sees new modes of political and economic inclination like multipartyism and globalisation in Africa. Through the medium of fiction he comments honestly on various events in the society to which he belongs. Weaving the tale around a Chagga protagonist the author imparts a lot of information about his ethnic group by making extensively use of African proverbial language and folklore.


Noch auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 3 Werktage

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