Vjalіkі hіstarycny atlas Belarusі : u 4-ch tamach: Tom 4

Artikel-Nr.: 19_02_003

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Вялікі гістарычны атлас Беларусі : у 4-х тамах: Том 4   / Haeu, A. A. / Гаеў, А. А. | 978-985-508-476-2 | Belkartohrafija   / Белкартография   | 2018 | 268 S., Grossformat | Mіnsk / Мінск

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Verlag Belkartohrafija   / Belkartohrafiia   / Белкартография
Autor Haeu, A. A. / Haeu, A. A. / Гаеў, А. А.
Stadt Mіnsk / Mіnsk / Мінск
Seiten 268 S., Grossformat
ISBN 978-985-508-476-2
Detail Big Historical Atlas of Belarus: Volume 4 The Big Historical Atlas of Belarus in three volumes is the first original cartographic publication in the Republic of Belarus dedicated to the historical past of the country. The maps included in the atlas provide an overview of the history not only of Belarus but of the whole East-European region. Besides, the atlas includes large-scale maps of separate territories, town plans, battle maps. This atlas is addressed to everyone who is involved in research activity or in teaching history of the country. The first volume covers the earliest period -- from the most ancient traces of the primitive man to the middle of the XVI century. Chronologically it is limited by a specific date -- year 1569, when as a result of the Union of Lublin the Belarusian lands became part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth /// ///

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